2119 Berkmar Drive, Suite C • Charlottesville • VA • 22901 Clint@besthumidors.com |
MODULAR WALL UNIT + STORAGE BASE for Walk-In Humidor - Made entirely with Real Spanish Cedar.
Pre-built - Just take them out of the crate & push against the wall
Built in Storage Base - Give a great CLEAN LOOK to the wall
Photo shown is 4'W x 7'H x 12"D ($2895.00 each for at least 5 pieces - price will go down on BIGGER JOBS)
Floor to top of door 18" H
Doors have Brass knobs to pull open (No lock & Key_
We can make ANY WIDTH OR HEIGHT OR DEPTH you want - Call for pricing.
Unit shown is NATURAL cedar with 3 coats of lacquer on Front Face Only.
Please CALL ON PRICING. Each job is different as we try to build the units to fit the room so there are no DEAD SPACES IN CORNERS